domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver chapter 6-8

Isabela Bermeo

In these last chapters they talk about the ceremonys and the objects that they have gave to each child to represent they are growing. Also they talk about what happened to baby Gabe, who was sent to a place call "Elsewhere" so he will never return to the community. They did a ceremony to replace a child go died because he felt to a river, Jonas is finally going to assign to a job. In the ceremony while giving the assignments they skipped Jonas number for a very important reason, he felt very confuse, ashamed and afraid for what will happen and if he will be assign to a job. Finally at the end of the ceremony they called Jonas and told him he was "selected" to be the Receiver of Memories.

Text Response:
When the Chief Elder called Jonas after the ceremony ended and said, "Jonas has not being assigned, she informed the crowd and his heart sank.
Then she went on. Jonas has been selected." I was really confuse with what that meant. I was starting to question what exactly was going on and what did the word "selected" meant? I predict that this assignment he has been selected for will give him that knowledge to discover those mysteries and secrets the community carries, he will answer questions, no one know the answer to and as the Chief Elder said, the Receivers have the ability to see beyond, and thats what he will do.

Final Thoughts:  
Finally I do believe that this is the beginning of the stage or part of his life that he will become smarter. Since he is going to receive training to become strong and brave, he will have the courage to face any danger that threats him and he will be able to answer  all the questions he has. He will introduce the truth to the community, I believe that they are living in a lie, because nothing is so perfect as it seems and he will be the first one to recognize that. As the Receiver of Memories I predict he will receive those moments and thoughts, ideas, events and all kinds of clues and hints so he can see beyond the society and start to see the real world.

Watch this video so you could have an idea of what a perfect society well organize looks like!

2 comentarios:

  1. I see your point and I really enjoy reading your blog but I have one question: what will you do in Jonas position, will you like the job of beign a receiver?

    1. Ale Du, thanks for your comment. If I was in Jonas position
      and I was choosen as the Reciever of Memories, I would feel
      very honor but like Jonas as the same time confuse and afraid because is not a job I have heard about before and I am not able to preparate for whatever will come next, of course I will do the job and follow all the rules they have ask me to follow even if it is hard.
      Thanks for your comment again ;)
