Recently in the book The Giver, Jonas the protagonist just has been selected for being the Reciever of Memories, a ver honorable job, but at the same time quite scary. Every twelve has began his or her asssignment training very happy and tell lots of experiences about it, but Jonas is not allow to say anything about his training to anyone. The first day of his training Jonas met The Giver, which has been the previous Reciever and told Jonas about all the memories and just mentioned the memory of snow...
The Giver then pass the memory of snow to Jonas and he loved it! Then he pass the memory of sunshine he loved it too but then he experience a sunburn, all this memories now belong to Jonas, but he is starting to wonder, why in his community their is none of this stuff? And again Jonas saw a "change" like with the apple and thee faces, but now he saw it in Fionnas hair. He asked The Giver about it and The Giver told him that he is starting to see COLOR, and now The Giver is gonna pass Jonas the memory of a rainbow...
Jonas just recieve the rules he must follow to become the Reciever of Memories and they seem to be very shocking specially rules number 4, 5 and 8. This rules talk about not telling about the training to anyone, do not do the ritual of dream-telling and he is now allow to lie. I predict that because he is a very special boy an d of course very smart he is going to make the difference, I believe all this rules have been wroten so he willl not rebell anything about his job, but what will he know and recieve that no one else may know? And that is how he will make the change, he will lies about following all this rules and he will want the community he lives in to experience all the pleasures of life like snow, sunshines, rainbows, colors! But most importanly know why they are trap in such perfect community. Jonas will stop this lie they are all living in and start introducing to them the real world.
I do believe that after Jonas knowing everything about the past and present and secrets of the world, he will not want to keep his mouth shut and he will want to do something with what he knows and theres is when I predict the previous Reciever who run away will show up. I predict they are both going to confront the Group of Elders and are going to let the people have some individuality for themselves, get to know the real world. I do believe that by Jonas recieving all the memories of the world he will recieve those painful memories like wars, strikes, rebellions, poor people and deaths.
Isa, I really liked your blog and the way that you are expressing your ideas. I could tell that you put a lot of effort in your blog. I was really interesting and fun to read.
ResponderBorrarAle Du, thanks for yot comment, I am very happy you enjoy my blog! ;)